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2023 Pledge Campaign

Pledges make up a significant portion of our annual budget at SMSJ. In 2022, pledges and individual gifts covered just under 50% of the budget, allowing us to limit our draw from the endowment to 5%!

Our goal this year is to bring in $100,000 in pledges. Combined with other individual gifts we are looking to cover over 50% of our budget of $200,000. Our goal is to increase this percentage to 65% over the next 3-5 years to insure the short and long-term health of the parish. 

We invite you to make your 2023 pledge by filling out the electronic pledge form below, or fill out a paper pledge at the church. Thank you. 

Thank you for helping us make a difference!


2023 Electronic Pledge Form

For additional questions about pledging, contact Pastor Cindy Rasmussen at 585-654-9229 or by email at

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